In the rear-view mirror, I am amazed at how willingly so many of you stepped forward to make a financial commitment to the monumental Tradition Continues Campaign, which solidified Delta-Rho’s housing facilities for decades to come. And, I especially thank the 40 or 50 of you who stepped forward to marshal your class and others through calls, emails, nudging, harassment, etc.
At the end of the day, we secured $590,000 in campaign commitments. $535,000 of this is in hand, with much of the remaining $55,000 on target to arrive before it is all over. No fraternity fundraising at F&M has raised even half this much… Pride in the Order!
We are now transitioning out of our major capital campaign an into a new Annual Fund paradigm, to facilitate direct support of our undergraduate brothers through scholarships and grants to help them attend Kappa Sigma and other national leadership development conferences. The impact of the latter on inspiring and evolving our brothers as leaders is substantial, as Grand Master Kyle Busher attests in his State of the Chapter report. In addition, we will continue to invest in our facility by approving periodic educational housing grants, for improvements and maintenance of 441 College Avenue.
Most importantly, shifting out of the campaign is helping us expand to opportunities to be formally involved in the Foundation’s leadership. At our Annual Meeting in October, we elected the following Brothers as new Directors, joining me, VP Rick Schottenfeld, ’82, and Treasurer Tom Reid, ’76:
- Bob Windolph, ‘64
- Fred Duchin, ‘80
- Howie Manus, ‘85
- Drew Brock, ‘89
- Ray Compagna, ‘92
- Jon Selame, ‘04
I’ll take this opportunity to thank all of them for their service in advance, especially Jon, who served as Alumni Association VP for several years, and was the GM during Delta-Rho’s 75th Anniversary and Greek Council President during the year leading up to Greek System ‘Re-Recognition’ in 2004.
Each of these brothers has agreed to support our new Annual Fund Campaign and to reach out to those in their sphere of influence. So, as we get the campaign up and running, don’t be surprised if you hear from one of them.
Thank you again, Brothers. Because of your support, Delta-Rho is in good stead.
John Bacci, ‘82
Kappa Sigma Delta-Rho Educational Foundation
Kappa Sigma Delta-Rho Educational Foundation