The Star & Crescent Alumni Association’s plan for Delta-Rho’s move is two-phased.  In Phase I, the Alumni Association raised $300,000 in short-term loans from 15 brothers (see back cover), plus the receipt of the lead gift of $100,000 from Brother Rudy Gadre, ’91.  This gift is believed to be the largest gift ever to an F&M fraternity.

The 15 ‘investors’ will be paid back through the eventual sale of the house (fall, 2016) and proceeds from the Capital Campaign.  We expect to net approximately $200,000 from the sale; our real estate agent has already received three inquiries.  Our minimum goal for this Campaign is $249,000 ($100,000 of which is in hand).

Phase II is the expansion/purchase of 441 College Avenue, as exhibited on the following pages.  The new facility will have 14 individual bedrooms and will have full climate control, state of the art fire and life safety systems, and professional property management and maintenance.

Elements of 249 will be carried forward as practical, including the Basement Bar, Pledge Class Paddles, the mosaic fireplace mantle and safe from the Phil Schreiber Memorial Library, Composites, Signage, etc.

In support of Kappa Sigma, the Franklin & Marshall College Board of Trustees voted to authorize College President Dan Porterfield and his staff to have the College co-sign on a construction loan of up to $700,000 from Fulton Bank.  This will enable the Star & Crescent Alumni Association to maintain ownership/control of the property.  The construction loan (20-year mortgage) will be retired through rental income from the chapter, likely well ahead of schedule.


  • Adjacent the F&M Campus
  • Directly Across From Shadek-Fackenthal Library
  • Between F&M Guest Housing Facility and Delta-Sigma Phi Fraternity
  • Dedicated Parking at Lancaster Theological Seminary
  • Located in a Student-Friendly Neighborhood
  • Limited Yard Area after Expansion
Basement Plan

Basement Plan

First Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan